Tony Miller : Owen Sound's Forgotten Black Legacy in Canada
Tony Miller comes from a lineage of pioneers who have made significant contributions to Black Canadian History, identity and empowerment and he is here to preserve their forgotten story. We all heard of the underground railroad, the story of enslaved Africans seeking human dignity but who would ever think the underground railroad went as far north as Owen Sound, just under 3 hrs north of Toronto! Owen Sound is home to the longest running emancipation festival in NORTH AMERICA established in 1862, that's 159 years ago, literally older than "Canada." This festival by the way, was founded by Tony's great-grandfather! Tony Miller is an accomplished storyteller, author and a two time cancer survivor who uses visual arts to activate ancestral memory and to facilitate thought provoking conversations on often difficult subject matters. He is currently working on a series called "Potter's Field" the story of over 2000 unmarked graves (mostly Black refugees that came through the underground railroad) to put faces and names to these stories. He also working on another wordless Novel (images only) that details the history of Negro Creek (formally called Nigger Creek) where over 100 Black Pioneers Lived. As you can see, there is A LOT to discuss! Join us Tonight LIVE @ 8pm as we "Reason with Logik" Hosted by Neil 'Logik' Donaldson (@Logik416)