The Reminisce Show: With special guest SHAD K!!
In the personal opinion of Mindbender: our next guest on The Reminisce Show IS the Greatest MC In Canadian History! Of course, that's a very debatable discussion, and we would like to invite you to join our conversation with the one and only SHAD K also known as Shadrach Kabango, to see who he thinks is the best MC between: Maestro, Kardi or Drake... or him! Born in Kenya and soon after moving to London, Ontario, Shad has humbly but spectacularly risen to international prominence through a variety of creative endeavors that we will discuss together, such as his seven hip hop albums (one of which won 'Album of the Year' in 2010... over ya boy Drizzy & 'Take Care', ), his five EPs with artists as diverse as DJ Scratch Bastid, DJ T-Lo and Holy Fuck, his former CBC talk show, to his Emmy & Peabody Award-winning documentary series 'Hip Hop Evolution', which has been blessing Netflix for four seasons now, and counting. Will we get a Canadian Hip Hop Evolution season? How does Shad come up with those stunningly clever lyrics? What does it feel like to create hip hop music now that he's a married father of two daughters? Did Will Smith ever hear Shad's version of 'Bel-Air'? So many wonderful, insightful, intriguing and original questions are going to be discussed and explored when we sit down to talk to SHAD, on a special 8:30 PM edition of 'The Reminisce Show', featuring Logik & Mindbender! See you Tuesday night as usual!