Justice Fund: conversation with Founders Noah "40" Shebib , Jermyn Creed , Yonis Hassan
Special Edition of YOU GOOD FAM? With our good friends over at @justicefundto for their first interview with all 3 Founders Yonis (@_yonishassan) , Noah 40 Shebib (@ovo40) and Jermyn (@each1_teach1_j ) Justice Fund Toronto is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting communities in conflict with the law through three strategic priorities; supporting community-led initiatives, reforming philanthropy and creating community infrastructure in the heart of downtown Toronto. Justice Fund is dedicated to the social and economic wellbeing of communities within the GTA. Violence in Toronto continues to be an increasing challenge and youth who experience poverty are impacted more by this violence than any other demographic. We are built on the belief that when provided with opportunities to thrive, under-resourced communities become less violent, thus breaking the cycle of conflict. https://www.justicefund.ca/ In this session we discussed their foundations rooted in community, youth work, music and philanthropy Their perspective of violence in the city and dealing with grief Practical ways in which the Justice Fund is creating meaningful opportunities for marginalized youths Detailing how Charitable organizations are hoarding $85,000,000,000 ?? Wait what?! 40 shares a personal account of The healing powers of creative expression And more!! Hosted By: @logik416 Featured intro song : Sign of the times by @razfresco @the6thletter @itsbriskinthehouse produced by @realpeterock Join us every Monday 11am-12pm for our community check in ! you Good Fam?! #sfacommunity #yougoodfam #justicefund Get involved! Learn more about our Youth Services and other opportunities here: Website: http://www.stolenfromafrica.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/SFA_community Follow us on Instagram: Stolen From Africa Network https://www.instagram.com/AllDaySFA The Reminisce Show https://www.instagram.com/reminisceshow Follow us on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Alldaysfa Other social platforms Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllDaySFA Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllDaySFA SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/stolenfromafrica Stolen From Africa Merch http://www.StolenFromAfrica.com #reminisceshow #stolenfromafrica #sfamedia #Alldaysfa